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Bus & Subway Accidents
Call George at the Garrow Law Firm 888-88GARROW (888) 884-2776
After being injured while riding a city bus or subway, you know that you will have to fight to get justice from the municipal or private company providing these services. Bus operators make careless errors --- speeding, texting and darting in and out of traffic. Metro has causes serious injuries over the past few years that have made headlines. But please don't be fooled --- the Metro authorities want to pay nothing or pay you much less than your injuries. Give us a call right away if you are the victim of:
- Bus stop, sidewalk and pedestrian Injuries on Metro and private buses
- Insufficient security, injuries from assault while on a bus or subway system; or
- Any other careless injuries caused by Metro or the bus company
Most of us who live in the Washington/Maryland/Virginia metropolitan area remember this tragic incident of several years ago. Garrow Law did not handle these cases, but we have sued and won against Metro. Note that all cases are different, but when something like this happens, speak to someone who can help!